1. Our free IQ Test consists of 30 questions. There is no time limit at all; you can spend as much time as needed in each item.
2. For each item, on the left side of the IQ test box you will be presented with a sequence of elements that follow a determined pattern. Your task is to decide what element (of the ones displayed on the right side) follows the pattern. There is only one correct answer per ítem.
3. The questions that have been answered wrong will not lower your score. The questions that have been left in blank will not either. Only the questions answered correctly will add points to your score.
4. You can skip questions and return back to them later. You can click on “review questions” to display a list of all the questions you have answered and navigate them.
5. Once you arrive to the last ítem/question, a button saying “get my results” will appear. Once you click on it, your test will be automatically scored and you will instantly get your free results. If you would like to review your answers and even change them before scoring them, you can; you just have to click on “review questions”.